Thursday 6 March 2014

The Perils of Sugar and the Fat Free Myth

When you’re trying to lose weight, you may be tempted by the array of low-fat and fat-free products on offer. But have you compared the ingredients with their full-fat counterparts? Food manufacturers know that by reducing or removing fat from their products, taste is sacrificed, and the only way they can make their products tasty and moreish is to pack in the sugar. 

Let’s have a look at how much sugar is hidden in an average portion of everyday foods.
    • A small pot of generic 'Low Fat' fruit yoghurt contains 17.5g whereas the full fat version contains 13.5
    • A 30g serving of 'Light' soft cheese contains 1.2g while the original version contains slightly less - 0.9g
    • A tin of Weight Watchers baked beans contains 7.3g but regular supermarket own-brand beans only contain 2.2g
  • SOUP
    • A tin of Batchelor's Low Fat Chicken Soup contains 1.3g yet Batchelor's Cream of Chicken Soup only contain 0.6g
    • 100g of Weight Watchers pitta bread contains 2.1g but by switching to a supermarket's own brand, you'd only be consuming 1g

So Why Are Companies Adding Sugar To Their Low Fat Food?

Put simply, food without fat tastes bad. Food without sugar also tastes bad. It is a taste that built into us, as humans, a craving that kept our species alive 1.8 million years ago when homo erectus (upright man) began foraging for food.  

Sugar and fat provide a quick energy burst, perfect for the fight-or-flight situations primitive man was faced with on a daily basis. However as we no longer face daily, life-threatening fight-or-flight situations, we no longer require quick-release energy in the same way. However the body works on a level deeper than logic or emotion, it's job is to keep us alive. It doesn't know that we aren't going to be eaten by a tiger tomorrow. However we are living more stressful lives than ever, meaning stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline - are constantly flooding our bodies, triggering cravings for sugar and fat. Effectively, we are unintentionally giving our bodies the impression that they need to sugar-load, to store easily-mobilised energy for an upcoming emergency. And this is why we need to cut out sugar from our diets, to reassure our bodies that they can survive without sugar, that a balanced diet and regular meals can provide all the energy we need.

So armed with the knowledge that we naturally crave sugar, we are drawn to sugary products and we can very easily become addicted to it both physically and psychologically, food companies know how to get us hooked. If a company can get a customer addicted to their product, they'll have a customer for life. And they'll see their profits increase too, of course, which is really why they're trying to get us addicted.

Hidden Sugars and Their Pseudonyms

Not all sugar is labelled clearly on a food’s packaging. Some companies are very good at sneaking sugar into their products. This is perfectly legal but you need to be switched on and know your stuff. Some other names for sugar which are used on food packaging are:
·         Corn syrup
·         Caramel
·         Dextrose
·         Dextran
·         Diatase
·         Ethyl maltol
·         Fructose
·         Golden syrup
·         Lactose
·         Maltose
·         Molasses
·         Maltodextrin
·         Honey
·         Sorbitol
·         Sucrose
·         Glycerides

What Happens When We Eat Sugar?

·         Firstly, your blood-sugar levels increase which is why you might feel a sudden surge of energy and why children become hyperactive after eating sweets
·         This rise in blood-sugar triggers the pancreas to release insulin which converts the sugar into energy
·         When your body has taken the energy it needs from the sugar, any excess is converted into glycogen and stored in the muscles and liver
·         Excess glycogen is converted into triglycerides in the liver and stored as fat or enter the bloodstream causing your blood to thicken and increasing the chances of clotting and blockage which can result in a heart attack or stroke
·         Therefore excess sugar = excess fat

How to Lose Weight and Decrease Sugar Intake

·         Always eat breakfast, always with protein
·         Eat protein at every meal and in every snack
·         Balance your meals with complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and vegetables
·         Increase your fibre intake to keep you fuller for longer, improve bowel health and curb sugar cravings
·         Get your sugar the natural way – from fresh fruit – but stick to no more than two portions per day
·         Get some fresh air and do some exercise – your body will be flooded with ‘happy hormones’ dopamine serotonin and endorphins making you less likely to reach for the chocolates to get your happiness boost. Plus the exercise will boost weight loss, increase your metabolism and curb your hunger!

Should We Avoid Fat?

 Fat has a bad reputation. For years we've been bombarded by tales of how fat makes us fat, clogs our arteries and effectively kills us. Even the word fat has negative connotations, but think of it like this: fat is an essential nutrient. 'Fat' has become an adjective when in fact it is a noun, it is the name of a vital component that our bodies need in order to function and survive but instead we use it to describe an overweight person or excess tissue in our body. Even saturated fat is essential for our survival. In fact, a healthy amount of saturated fat can even support your weight loss. Don’t be afraid of fats. Eat them every day but eat them in moderation.

Fat is satiating so when we eat it we satisfy our body's needs as well as our taste buds. It keeps you full which prevents overeating and curbs cravings for unhealthy snacks. Including some fat in every meal will support your body's functions and stop you from craving sugary, processed or refined food.

How Much Fat Do We Need?

Men's Requirements
Saturated Fat: 30g
Unsaturated Fat: 60g

Women's Requirements
Saturated Fat: 20g
Unsaturated Fat: 50g 

The best sources of fats are avocados, raw and unsalted nuts (Brazils, almonds, walnuts etc.), seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flax etc.), seed oils (olive, rapeseed, hemp etc.) and those occurring naturally in lean meat (chicken and turkey), fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna etc.) and dairy products (eggs, milk, cheese and butter). 

Nuts and seeds are particularly high in fibre, adding to their ability to keep you fuller for longer as well as supporting your digestive system. The oleic acids found in nuts curb hunger pangs and other nutrients contained in nuts (B vitamins, vitamin E and zinc) work to curb sugar cravings. 

Quick Tips
  • Sugar is abundant in processed, refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta and pastries. Opt for whole meal, whole wheat and whole grain versions.
  • Pay attention to the first three ingredients listed on packets – these are the three main ingredients, and if any sugars are listed, avoid!
  • Sprinkle cinnamon in your coffee, on your porridge and in your yoghurt – it’s a natural sweetener and helps regulate blood-sugar and reduce blood-fat including ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Divide a product’s sugar content in grams by 4 to find out how many teaspoons of sugar it contains.

Sugar craving? Choose from these healthy, wholesome snacks to keep cravings at bay:

·         Oatcakes spread with nut butter
·         Hummus with raw vegetable sticks
·         Natural yoghurt, cinnamon and berries
·         A small handful of raw, unsalted nuts

The Eatwell Plate

The NHS has devised an ‘eatwell’ plate as a guide to how much of each food group should make up your plate at each meal. It is a great guide to refer to if you're unsure of how much of each food group you should eat at each meal. However, be cautious that the eatwell plate includes 'sugar' in the same section as 'fat' - these should be naturally occurring sugars such as those found in fruits and should not be those in refined or processed foods, and certainly should not be added to your food. 

If you base your meals on the eatwell plate - providing you choose healthy sources of each group (such as whole grain carbohydrates, lean protein and balanced saturated/unsaturated fats) and providing you are otherwise healthy - you don't need to worry too much about counting every calorie or weighing out individual foods. 

The Eatwell Plate,

Don't be afraid of fat. Don't choose low fat, diet or light-labelled food. Don't add sugar to foods. 
Choose healthy, wholesome, fresh foods bursting with nutrients, slow-release energy and fibre and before long you'll notice an improvement in your weight, energy levels, sleeping patterns, mood and overall wellbeing.  

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